HR Software

Human Resource Management Software

Optimize Your HR Processes with Our Comprehensive Software

Our Human Resource Management System is designed to enhance your HR
department and streamline processes to align with global standards. From
compliance to assembling a robust HR team, our system offers a wide range of features tailored to your business needs.

Beyond Web Development: Complete Business Support

We offer more than just web development and design services. Our Human Resource Management Software reflects our team's expertise with its intuitive interface, fast speed, and essential HR features. It's user-friendly and requires minimal training, suitable for businesses of all sizes and types.

Versatile HR Management System

Our HR Management Software is versatile, catering to businesses of all sizes and industries. It covers essential HR operations such as employee shift management, information registers, bonuses, and benefits, ensuring efficiency and compliance for every business.

Human Resource Management Software

Employee Data Management

● Employee general information, photo, note attachment files, medical information, tax information, monthly timesheet, payroll reports (based
on the tax information and time sheet), and medical insurance and emergency contacts
● Employee benefits form helps you record all medical and detail insurance programs that your company have for your employees.
● Create HR payroll report, phone list, employee list, department list
reports, and you can add your own report later based on your need.
● Employee vacation and sick leave management
● Employee job history information management
● Employee certification and awards management
● Employee performance evaluations information management
● Employee equipment tracking
● Employee resume and training records management
● You can output your employee data and payroll data to Microsoft® Excel® file and PDF file as well.
● The database records all employee information and you can review it by name list, phone list, or department lists.

● Create Employee Performance Review Forms and employee EEO Forms and keep these form records at document management system.
● Benefits information management
● Grievance history information (e.g.complaints, dispute etc.) management
● Generate organization chart by using MS Visio and drag to employees management form

Job Opening Applicants Time & Attendance Employee Training Data Learning & Professional Development Employee Benefit Information Company Information HR Documents Project Information Tracking Employee Termination Process Technical Features

● Job opening Information, job functions, requirements and skills information and staffing status
● Department job opening list management
● Printing job opening information

● Recording all applicants records and contact information
● Applicant status management
● Applicants interview setup
● Create Employee Application Form and Employee Record Audit Form for all applicants and keep those document records on document management system.

● List all training program that company has.
● Training class information description and registration information
● Printing training class information sheet
● Records all the employees’s training records.

● List all training program that company has.
● Training class information description and registration information
● Printing training class information sheet
● Records all the employees’s training records.

● Learning Course Administration
● Professional Certification Management

● Benefit plan list and provider information management
● Benefit plan for each employee
● Benefit cost information management

● Company business documents management
● Company legal documents management
● Company holiday schedule management
● Company wise health and dental care insurance benefits information

● Managing all employees and applicants documents by their name or document types
● All documents can be convert to PDF format and print out
● All documents data can be export to Excel or PDF format for other applications

● Project information sheet

● Project tasks list management
● Project tasks Gantt chart
● Project team members information management

● Employee termination process check list
● Generate employee termination process notification
● Employee status change information management

● Compliance Management
● Security
● User Support
● Maintenance
