School Management System

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Online University & School Information System

Empower Your School with Our Comprehensive Management System

Our School Management System is designed to support continuous administrative logs and create a conducive environment for students. While teachers play a vital role in school operations, effective management is equally essential. Our School Management System facilitates smooth school functioning by providing teachers with audio/video resources and offering management modules for staff management logs, accountancy, stock management, and more.

Tailored for Colleges and Universities

Our school management system extends its functionality to colleges and
universities, empowering professors and lecturers to prepare engaging lectures and enabling efficient management of student records and results. The system supports event management and ensures seamless operations across all educational levels.

Efficient Student Record Keeping

In today's challenging times, having a robust School Information System is imperative. Our School Management System, equipped with a detailed database system, securely stores student information, credentials, and attendance records. This system simplifies student attendance management and ensures secure login/logout procedures.

Our School Information Software Modules

This module deals with all types of enquiries received in regard to the hospital and in regard to the patients who are admitted or registered.

Salient Features Include:
Dashlet driven dashboard
Innovative ‘Search bar’ enables anybody to use EXPERT School ERP System within seconds of login
EXPERT School ERP Software is designed for a great user experience with a user friendly interface, meaning that anyone with basic computer knowledge can quickly use the system with minimum training
Easy to learn and easy to master
Displays latest news, Events, discussions, birthdays, leave applications
Messages Admission Student Details Manage Users Manage News Examinations Timetable Attendance Settings Human Resources Finance
  • Inbuilt messaging system
  • Easy and quick way to send messages to any user of the system
  • Effective communication between administration, teachers, students and parents
  • Recording communications with students
  • Automatic messages about events, news, fee schedules, new forums and holidays etc. personalized with your school
  • Attach files with news
  • Unique ID for all students
  • Comprehensive admission form
  • Multiple guardian addition facility
  • Emergency contact facility available
  • Previous education details can be recorded
  • Customizable as per school standards
  • Photo upload facility
  • Provide Biometric ID of the students
  • Manage student records. Attach any type of document and data related to student.
  • Normal student view facility based on batches
  • View complete information of a student from their profile regarding reports, fees, activities, remarks, records
  • Search existing and former students
  • Advanced search facility to search for specific type of students based on large number of filters
  • Search for any users using the search bar
  • View profile of all users based on the roles
  • View/Edit users password and privileges
  • Set privileges to users as per their roles
  • Allows organization to set standards for different roles based on their responsibility
  • Create/edit/delete news
  • Search for any news using search bar
  • View all news facility also available
  • Add News using rich text format
  • Edit/Delete news
  • Published news has the facility to comment also
  • Delete comment facility also available
  • Attach files to the news article
  • Create different types of exams based on grades, marks
  • Group exams if required
  • Online exams services with automatic marks calculation ­- Objective and descriptive exam types
  • Extensive report center
  • Generate report for required exams
  • Automated, quick and on demand report generation
  • Statistical and chart reports, a better analytical view
  • GPA, CCE, ICSE, Normal and CWA Evaluation methods
  • Setting up required formula for calculation in CCE,GPA and ICSE exams
  • ASL(Assessment for speaking and Learning) and 6th subject in CCE
  • CBSE prescribed report
  • Exam wise report, subject wise report, consolidated report, combined report and reports based on student rankings per class, batch, subject
    and attendance
  • Drag and drop timetable
  • Alerts on subject limits per week while creating timetable
  • Alerts on employee subject limits while creating timetable
  • Conflict warnings if the same teacher assigned with another class for the same period
  • Timetable creation in advance
  • Edit/Delete timetable facility available
  • Timetable tracking
  • Effective employee work allotment
  • View teacher’s timetable
  • View complete institution timetable on just one click
  • Easy marking of attendance
  • Note/Remarks for attendance can be given
  • Different types of attendance report can be taken
  • Reports can be filtered using the available filters
  • Integrate with hardware devices RFID and Biometric
  • Basic education institute information can be given which is reflected on reports and financial reports
  • Basic configuration like country, currency, time zone, etc can be set
  • Addition of school logo and displayed on reports, receipts and login screens
  • Other general settings like enabling grading system as per school requirements, automatic unique ID for all the users, Oauth/Azure application integration
  • Managing courses and batches
  • Batch transfer and graduation facility, generate Transfer Certificates
  • Managing major subjects including elective subjects
  • Importing subjects from previous batches
  • Add custom fields for admission form
  • Activate SMS module
  • Automatic SMS alerts
  • Set SMS configuration for alerts to be send to specific contact numbers for respective actions
  • Send SMS to single or group users or to all users
  • Manage student categories
  • Assign Tutors to Batches
  • Assign roll numbers to students
  • Manage all employees from admission to exit
  • Customizable admission form
  • Manage entire payroll efficiently
  • Customizable and robust payroll form
  • Automatic Loss of Pay calculation
  • Generate pay slips on daily, weekly, monthly basis
  • Efficient leave management system available
  • Authenticated pay slip approval system
  • One click pay slip approval and reject facilities
  • Normal and advanced search facility
  • Comprehensive Fee classification system
  • Separate fee collection date designing system for faster finance process
  • Easy analysis of fee defaulters and fee structure available
  • Easy fee submission process
  • Fee import facility for faster system use
  • Manage and Pay instant fees
  • Manage entire expenses and incomes
  • Customize and manage different category of expenses and incomes
  • Adjust settings for printing fee receipts
  • Financial Report generation facility with customizable date range
  • Online payment facility
  • Pay slip approval system
  • Manage Assets and Liabilities
  • Manage Donations
